The wonderful use of carbon monoxide detector
User:JXCTUpload time:Jul 07 2022
About carbon monoxide

We know that carbon monoxide is a simple molecule: one part carbon, one part oxygen. Carbon monoxide is known to occur when wood, gasoline, coal, propane, natural gas and heating oil do not burn completely. Carbon monoxide levels are hard to detect by smell, which is why they are so dangerous. Therefore, we can use a professional carbon monoxide detector to detect.

These energy sources aren’t dangerous when you burn them in an open area with plenty of ventilation. But carbon monoxide is hazardous in confined spaces—like basements,kitchens, garages, or campers.

How to detect excessive carbon monoxide concentration?

Carbon monoxide binds to red blood cells in your body, enters your lungs and deprives your body of oxygen.

Carbon monoxide detectors are the fastest way to prevent CO poisoning. You can install a carbon monoxide alarm (or multiple detectors) in your home. They work much like your fire or smoke alarm by sounding a siren when they detect carbon monoxide. You can find models that trigger alarms, smart detectors that connect to your smartphone or home security system.

carbon monoxide detector
carbon monoxide detector
Choosing a carbon monoxide detector

Overall, carbon monoxide detectors sense CO fast and alert you as soon as they do. But there’s a surprising amount of variety in today’s carbon monoxide sensors.

Where should I place a carbon monoxide detector?

Ensure everyone in the house can hear when an alarm goes off by placing a CO sensor in or near each of three critical locations in your home:

Follow your local laws and the manufacturer’s instructions for additional guidance beyond these three locations. You can also check out our guide on the best places to install CO monitors for more information.